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ThingsPro 2

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System Software

IIoT Gateway and Device Management Software Solution

Product Feature

  • Simplifies transfer of Modbus device data to the MQTT broker in cloud applications
  • Built-in client and SDK support for online SCADA services
  • Built-in clients for popular cloud platforms Aliyun, AWS, and Azure
  • Network manager to connect your field devices to a WAN
  • RESTful API and Modbus API for access to all functions of the ThingsPro Gateway software


To help accelerate development of your industrial IoT applications and create a smarter field site, Moxa’s ThingsPro Gateway software enables Modbus connectivity for data acquisition and processing, MQTT support for lightweight edge-to-cloud data transmission, and device configuration for system and network settings of supported edge gateways. Configuration just takes a few steps, allowing you to focus on your applications instead of complex integrations.

ThingsPro Gateway helps you handle the complexity and diversity that comes from combining information technology and operational technology for industrial IoT applications by offering high-level Modbus APIs in C and Python, as well as modern RESTful APIs for you to easily develop software applications to extend or enhance the capabilities of Moxa’s Industrial IoT gateway. ThingsPro provides smart data acquisition, rapid development, and easy management, helping you create a smarter field site.


Additional Features and Benefits

  • Modbus polling engine with easy-to-use web-based UI for data acquisition from end devices deployed in industrial field sites
  • Simplifies transfer of Modbus device data to the MQTT broker in cloud applications
  • Built-in client for popular PaaS (Platform as a Service) providers to accelerate your IIoT application development. Currently supports Sparkplug, AWS IoT Core, and Azure IoT Hub (only available in ThingsPro V2.3 and above)
  • Built-in client/SDK support for online SCADA service, currently supports Sparkplug for the Ignition platform, and Wonderware Online (only available in ThingsPro V2.3 and above)
  • Wireless manager tool handles the task of connecting your field devices to a WAN
  • RESTful API and Modbus API for access to all software functions of ThingsPro Gateway

System Requirements

ThingsPro GatewayEligible Devices-List
ThingsPro GatewayRead more
Name Type Version Release Date
Datasheet for ThingsPro 2 Datasheet V2.6 30 July 2020

ThingsPro 2

Description ThingsPro Gateway software with a term license that enables use with eligible devices
Note ThingsPro Gateway can be used without ThingsPro Server

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